We are a growing lab that is working at the interface of mechanical/aerospace engineering, physics, chemistry, and material science. We are looking for motivated researchers at all levels. If you are interested in joining, please send Prof. Underwood an email with the information detailed below.

Postdoctoral researchers: We are always excited to have motivated researchers join our team. Expertise in fluid dynamics, optics, surface chemistry, experimental diagnostics, or soft materials is required. To apply, send (1) a cover letter detailing your research experience and future interests, (2) a curriculum vitae, and (3) contact details of at least two references.

Graduate students: If you are a prospective graduate student interested in joining the lab, send a brief description of your background and research interests. Also indicate times you are available to meet.

Undergraduate students: If you are an undergraduate student at UT Austin interested in doing undergraduate research, please reach out. The only requirement is an eagerness to learn and a passion to try new things.

High-school students: If you are curious about research at the university level and interested in getting started, send an email briefly describing your interests, how much time you would like to spend in the lab, and what you hope to get out of your research experience.